So the holidays are over and it's back to the old life starring me and Scarlet at home...waiting for daddy to get home. The holidays are packed with family, friends and fun, presents, shopping, surprises, yummy food, and games...I start to get used to that life, then when it's over I get a case of the post holiday blues. It doesn't help that the snow KEEPS PILING UP imprisoning me in this messy house. So, if you don't mind I'll go crazy with pictures and good stuff to ease my blues.
* I'm having a baby July 10th I'm just about through with the 1st trimester and so far I have felt super! (most of you knew already, for those who didn't SURPRISE!)
*We got a laptop!! It has a web cam so we can skype all our loved ones we can't hug often enough.
* Scarlet...see for yourself...

"yeah, a rella(cinderella) khuger(color) book"

I snuck up on Scarlet reading snow white in her hide out behind the rocking chair. If you listen close you can pick out a few key words. Snow white, apple, not nice(referring to the witch) and happy. Thats a pretty good summary if you ask me.
ummm, hello! that is so exciting that you are pregnant! congrats! so sad we couldn't see you at the party the other day, i'm sure it was a blast (except for the charades of course!) :)
hope you don't mind that i found your blog, i forget how, but it's cute and you're cute and there you go. tell david HEY from me
Congratulations! How exciting!
I didn't know you were pregnant! Yay! Thats a really cute video of Scarlet!
Congratulations, Heidi! :) Let's see each other again soon. We'll make the drive this time...
It's about time... I really thought you decided you were done blogging... I missed you! Keep em coming!!! And I am excited for you!YE HAw!!! Now you can borrow all of my blasted maternity clothes! I will be happy to be rid of them!
YAY, I am so excited for you guys! Two kids is quite an adjustment but SUPER fun and well worth it! Scarlet is sooo stinkin' cute in that video , I love how she would move her head while reading! I love taking little "secret" videos of my kids too!
oh little Scarlet all grown up. yippee for skype!!! Call us....we're fun. Love you!
I loved the video! She is so gosh darn cute!!
I am glad that you officially announced that a new St. Julien is coming to town!! Congratulations!
I forwarded your blog to Steven, so he checks it every so often! Fun to know, huh?
That Scarlett loves books just like her mommy. See you soon. Perhaps tomorrow at dinner...
Heidi Hoffeines! (I can't think of you as anything else!:) Congratulations! I can't wait to hear if you have a lil' boy or girl coming to grace your home! Are you on goodreads, btw? I'm not, but everyone says I should get on it - Amber and Debbie Wallace and such. I really do want to get on it so I can get great book ideas from them. Love ya girly!
I'm mesmerized at Scarlett reading her little book. I could squeeze and squeeze her!
AHHH! Congratulations on getting pregs! I'm so happy for you both!!!
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