This is Jack Lawrence Throckmorton, aka Jack-jack. Those of you who know Scarlet and have had a chance to speak with her know this familiar phrase. Jack is Scarlet's cousin and the central character of her conversations. Anytime she runs out of specific things to talk about she'll throw "Jack-Jack" in there to keep the conversation alive. She sings a Jack-Jack song, "the jack-jack on the bus goes run run run" When we are reporting our day to daddy if I don't help her remember the facts... we get Jack-Jack. Scarlet loves her Jack-Jack, even though she bites, pushes, pulls his hair, steals his toys etc...thankfully Jack is very forgiving.
that is so cute! silly little children.
How fun is that. Scarlett is a darling girl. I was so glad that i got to see her in action over Christms.
So that's the famous Jack-Jack. He is actually a real person. Now I'll have to meet the real Elmo.
Jack-Jack LOVES Scarlet, he can't wait for her to come over and play today! Cute post!
By the way, I tagged you in a post on my blog, check it out!
Sister Hofheins!! I can't believe I found your blog! I've stayed kinda intouch with Sister Loveless (you two are still my sister missionaries) and I thought she might have you as a friend but I wasn't sure what your first name was... again, Sister Hofheins to me! I was someone you two taught in Corvallis, Brittney Richards at the time. I was one of your golden converts I guess :), I lived in the dorms with a girl who introduced me to the church. Anyways, I am married now and expecting in March and we have a blog too!
Cute blog. I love your family pictures, they turned out so cute.
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