I am a strange gal. I have some kind of anxiety? Is that the word I'm looking for? No...phobia is better. I have a phobia of empty time. If Dave is leaving and I am unprepared with something to do I have been known to flip a bit(just a bit). Okay, it happens most mornings as Dave is leaving me to go to work. Some mornings I hold on to his neck (I am usually still in bed) and plead with him not to go. I fight the urge to do that every morning. If I have a full day of things to do, someone to see or chat with, I am a happy lady. Otherwise I have been known to call Dave at work and...whine. What can he do? Nothing, it's my own strange deficiency. Now, before you start to feel bad for me and call me to hang out, this isn't a sob story. I have something that is heaven sent to chase my troubles away. BOOKS. More specifically good, well written, engrossing novels about human triumph, with a dash of romance. Books, I am discovering more and more, are kind of an escape for me. Not that I want to escape from my life, I love my life. Good books make me feel like I am having these adventures and triumphs myself. When I have a good book, off you go to work honey I have important things to do! It would be better for my family if cleaning were my escape. Darn. If anyone has any great book recommendations, don't hesitate to make my day.
I recommend the Alchemist. Right now Im reading the Friday Night Knitting Club and so far its pretty good but Im only a few chapters in so ya never know! I read the Glass Castle and it was good. Sarah Pace recommended Gilead to me and I loved it!
HAHA!! This explains a lot my dearest sister!!
I'm with ya lady! I love a good book and feel lost when I don't have one to read. I just finished "The Book Thief". I read it in like 3 days, it was that good. It's a YA read so it's pretty easy. Look it up for sure!
alright, I don't know if you like history, but if you do, I recently read Team of Rivals (about Abe Lincoln)and John Adams by David Mcculough. Both were fantastic!
Don't kill Dave
I am reading a very easy series called The Looking Glass Wars; By Frank Beddor. Really entertaining and a different take on Alice in Wonderland. I am a huge book nerd so please Heidi let me know of a good one to add to my already huge list of books to read!
Haha! I could have written this too! I do the same thing with Davey, "Don't leave me!!!" :) I actually am reading a book right now that is helping with it though, it's called "Over the Rainbow Bridge" it's not a novel, but it's a book about "nurturing children 0-7 years" and it is INSPIRING me in the mothering/homemaking department. I'm not so good at making homemaking an "art". If you like that kind of reading too then I highly recommend it! I've also started three cups of tea which I read that you love so I'll bond with you over that when I finish it. Happy reading!
I just finished Ender's Game and loved every second of it. Most people have read it but it was new to me. I just got The Timetraveler's Wife from the library. I have heard from oodles of people that it is good.
Don't worry little friend, I'm going to come and visit you soon.
"Don't cry, mommy's here."
I have a great author, Tamora Pierce. Start with the Lioness series. Awesome girl power. You will Love it! Triumph and a dash of romance...just a dash. See me...I've got books!
If you are on my reading level (4th grade to 10th grade), you will love "It's a Mall World After All" by Janette Ralison and also "Fame, Glory and Other things on my To Do List." By J. Ralison too. Check out her website, she is LDS and hilarious. And do you remember Ann Dee Knight (now Ann Dee Ellis) from PHS? She published a book called "This is what I did" Put these books on hold today! Let me know if you like them. (PS This is Kristin Kendall Nuttall)
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