It happend again. I found a couple great books to read and even though its cold and NOT springy outside, I am handling it because I spent the last week reading two very wonderful books. I can't decide what it is about certain books that work for me. I don't know if there is a genre they fit into. I can't find them all in one section, or shelf or list. Its a hunt. I guess its like good music, it takes effort to find just the right kind that makes your heart happy. By the first chapter of a book I can tell if it is going to be a great experience. If I can't find another good book soon I will probably slip into mourning until the next love comes along. So if anyone has read something that will help me get through the next few rainy days make sure and let me know. I want to keep track of the good books I read, because... I don't know it may come in handy someday!?!

What a dear little story this is! Its about the lives of black maids and their white bosses around the civil rights movement. I like these stories because the whole time I question myself about what kind of person I would have been. It is an amazing story that gives such a personal side to this time in history. Just LOVED it!

This is a fun story that captured me somehow. It is MILDLY--notice the large caption--mildly similar to the feel of the Twilight series. Minus the DRAMA. It just reminded me of them slightly. Its not life changing, or really serious but it is a good story and I like the writing style and the dash of romance. It has just the right amounts of the things I like.
The End
**More of Heidi's book soon as I find another good book...lets hope SOON!
I am so glad you posted these! I have The Help on hold at the library and I have been looking forward to reading it. I am glad to hear you like it. Keep on posting good ones you find:)
I'm glad you love reading so much. I do as well. Are you part of a book club or anything? I don't know what you would think of it but last year I read a book called "Pope Joan" I don't know that it would be that well known. But I loved reading about that time period. It was fascinating seeing the 'ignorance' of some of the characters and how things were kind of run in the kingdoms during that time. It's the first thing that came to mind. It's not on my top 10 list or anything but I really enjoyed it. p.s. hope Dave's party was a
Heidi, I read the help and loved it too. It was exactly like when I was growing up. It was surreal for me. My favorite nanny was named Bessie.
Reading is the best. It takes you places you have never been, you keep your vocab sharp and you learn things. anyway....Love ya, Arden
Hey Heidi- i don't read as often as others so i have no recommendations- but thanks for recommending some to me. just wanted to say yo!
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