I know more pictures of my darlings, but what else is there to blog about? The SNOW outside--- that's too depressing. How about the sandwiches I eat every day for lunch, and how I am not sick of them and they always sound good (roast beef, cheese and spinach in one of those steak rolls from Walmart YUM!). We'll see how long it lasts. How about that I joined an online migraine forum? Is that interesting blog news--no its kind of nerdy. But maybe it's interesting to note that the spring/summer/fall of 2008 I had a migraine about every other week on average. BUT that same time span in 2009---NOT A SINGLE ONE!! Why!?? I was pregnant. That's all I can think of that was different. It's a mystery...even to my new forum friends. What else, is anyone else over joyed that my SOCCER season is back in full swing? If you are, I am glad to hear it because its one of the things that gets me thru the week. See how exciting my life is, now you know why I mostly post pictures of my cute kids. Especially this Home girl

This handsome fellow is turning 30 in a week!!!! Any great ideas to make it a memorable day!!??!?!?!
Whatever you do for Daver's big birthday bash, we'd love to be a part of it!!!
You know what is wierd? I didn't have a single migraine while I was pregnant. Hmmm. I hope we can get to Utah soon so I can see you and you can meet Ruby...because lets be honest...no one ever comes to CO to visit :(
Katie we are soul mates, bossom buddies. We need to chat bc I forgot you get migraines too. I dream of visiting you...how long is that drive again!!?? We need to chat, wait did I say that already???
Hey, That's a cute hat. It's blog worthy. Sometimes I find myself trying to live a "blog worthy" life. Who needs the pressure right?
When my husband turned 30 I stalled him for a few minutes while all our family filled about 75 pie tins with whipped cream and then we all threw them at him. It was kind of fun. Probably more fun for us than him but that's ok. Good luck with the house.
Migraine forum, huh? Hmmm. Hope I never have to look at one of those. Are you getting your nasty migraines again? If so, I guess it is time for another baby. The two you have are just about the cutest things ever, so might as well.
I feel depressed that I do not even play one sport.. after we moved I have not found any... You would think I could find something in SL but nooooo... I wish I was on your team! Only way I can get in shape...booooooooooo
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