Oh Halloween where did you come from, do I really want to know? I love you for your candy, candy and more candy!! We had fun watching our little witch participate in this interesting holiday. She was in a daze most of the time we were trick or treating. She said thank you a zillion times to strangers putting candy into a bag. Sooo...maybe we went trick or treating for her initially but after visiting a few friends and neighbors, it was all for me. Like a kid again, I had to fill this bag!!!! Scarlet was the perfect excuse for why I got a bag full of treats. Of course I'll share. Come on. And I thought my trick or treating days were over...wrong-o. Anyway, it was great fun and our little witch was adorable. The best part however was during the weeks before when we'd ask Scarlet what she was going to be for Halloween? She can't always pronounce that darn "Wh" sound instead its a "B". We got a kick out of it! As did any of you who saw us and got to ask her "the question." Here are some pics and a vid. Don't be offended with Scarlet's innocent cursing.
Oh my goodness! She is so adorable! And you guys are BAD! :)
I want to see those family photos! Post 'em!
Heidi, you are great. I loved this Halloween. Ten times more fun with kids, and I can't wait until they can trick or treat. The costume is way cute. I love it.
That is hillarious she is so darn cute!
It's about time... I was starting to wonder if you forgot how to blog... Don't EVER stay away that long again!
You need to watch your daughter's language
Brad just launched his new website and we are hoping to get as much free marketing via every ones blogs! It is a really cool website that is only baby and kids skate, surf, and snow clothing and much much more! I am asking all of my fav bloggers if they will kindly put up a link on their blogs!? If you go to my blog you will see it in the upper right hand side. I would love if you could link us and of you wanted to get super technical I can email you the picture so you could put it with the link as I did.
email me if you want the pic.
Thank you so much in advance!
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