1. Add a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
3 days ago
Okay, I will play.
One of my funnest memories of you is from my last birthday when we were out to lunch at the Red Robin and you realized that you had forgotten to wear a certain undergarment, LOL!!!!
so many little heidi poo poo! One that sticks out to me right now was when you heard that drinking hot water would help you loose weight, so i the heat of august in bv you were drinking hot water from tap! You're the best!!! And I miss youuuuuuu!
Oh, I have a lot of memories of you. There is one that I won't mention on this blog because i don't know about how you would feel about people reading it. It is the first one that came to mind though.
When we would exercise in the mornings, you would were your sports bra on the outside of your clothes.
There are a million memories. Most of all I remember that you were an AWESOME missionary. You were amazing.
1. your "claw" for bangs
2. your cool stussy shirt in 7th grade with the 8 ball on it
3.singing "in the middle of the night" at the top of your lungs in show choir.
4. Singing "cowboy logic" on the soccer field
5. You bringing an entire box of twinkies on our camping trip and that's all
Just a few favorites...love ya
Tons of Fun Memories with you. When we went to New York and I sat with your guitar in my face for the whole way there and back. Then when we were there we sneaked in the side door of the Plaza Hotel and pretended you were some one famous coming out of the Hotel. So Hilarious!! That was a fun Trip!
"It hurts my body"
Heidi-thanks for finding me. Now I can keep up with you. My memory...I wont mention the details but it involved a hairbrush that belonged to Candice Lund. Also stripping down and eating pomagranates (sp?)in your dorm room. Fun times!
I remember when we were about 7 years old we both got our dance leotard's on and went on a walk/hike in Provo. I don't know quite where it was, but we got all wet and had a great time.
Dancing at Farrah's house and making up our own choreography.
Jumping off cliffs at Lake Powell.
Riding the bus to your house to have a sleepover.
Hey, did you want to get together?
I can't chose just one memory of you Heidi, I have so many! You're one of the funniest girls that I have been blessed to have as a friend for life!
Plus most of them I have of you might offend some of your readers! HA HA!!!
One word. Trigger Farts
Heidi, can't narrow it down. Tennis in Nashville, that LONG walk to the library, when you through the cards when we first played Hearts.
you better add my blog to your lists..you are making me sad!
Hey girl....do you have Melanie Whitaker's email?
my husband and a buddy visited with you when you first moved in. A couple times in fact. Somenone in the ward told me that you'd said you'd met my husband and his friend (the elder's quarum president), and you weren't sure if they were just being friendly, or if they were your home teachers. Very spiritual, those two.
I remember when I found out you were coming to the OEM and I knew I would be training and I was praying that I could train your MTC companion instead of you cause I was worried that after being companions (ya know, its a little stressful) we might not want to be friends anymore! HAHA Im such a dork. But ya, I guess my prayers were answered.
You forgot a certain undergarment for soccer practice too...hmmm...interesting.
All my memories with you make me laugh. Yahtzee, checkers, parties, power boxing, etc. You're a hoot and hillarious at the same time...rad.
just found your blog and have loved being cought up on eveything.
my favorite memorie of you and yes there are lots you are always keeping things lively. is the cheer sleepover where you were being initated and you pulled the BIGEST BUGGER out of your nose i have ever seen. after seeing that i had some serouse respect for you girl.
I remember doing to talent show in grade school. We danced to "Go for a natural high" from the Safety Kids.
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