This is Scarlet's baby blessing dress! I pulled it out to maybe use it to decorate her wall and she demanded I put it on her. I couldn't believe it still fits...better that it did almost 2 years ago. It's a good thing she can be so darn cute because she can be a little stinker doodle noodle. Some of her favorite things right now are:
*watching "Munan" translation Mulan,
*looking through Ensigns to try and spot "je-jee" which is Jesus,
*dancing to the songs from baby signing time(while Dave and I go insane).
*She loves to hold any baby she says "I hode."
*She's into putting her own clothes and shoes on and eating by herself, we hear "I do-ey" alot.
*She loves to sing her own version of wheels on the bus where we insert her favorite people ie; Mom sings: "Jack Jack on the bus goes..." Scarlet comes in: "mun-mun-mun" which is run run run.
*She tells the BEST secrets, it's usually something like tsspptssstt and always finishes it off with a BLOW.
She is the highlight of our whole lives so far. Every night as Dave and I snuggle up in bed together we tell Scarlet stories and ooohh and aahh over how much we love her and want to wake her up to play. My greatest hope as a Mother is that I feel this way about her every day of her life. I always think when Scarlet's older, like even when she is my age, I hope I will still pull her up on my my lap and whisper secrets in her ear.
She is so stinking cute! I can't believe her dress still fits, that is crazy!
I miss her!!!
That's sweet Heidi. I can't believe she fits into her blessing dress!
So darling! I love it! "I hode" makes me laugh out loud! They grow too dagum fast but it sounds like you are soaking in every minute.
Are we on for the Christmas par-tay this year? I am planning on hosting if no one else is itching to. Let's talk dates. I'm feeling the middle of Dec.
wow impressive that she still fits!
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