Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yearbook Day

What I wouldn't give! I'd be curious to know if it was just me, but one of the things I loved most about high school was yearbook day. Call me crazy, but just thinking about it today gave me a rush of excitement. I couldn't wait till the end of the year to:
1. Look up my name in the back and see how many pages I was on.
2. Look at all my pics to see if I looked hot or not.
3. Do a quick browse to see who stole my thunder (got on more that like 4 pgs.)
4. Go Hog WILD signing and being signed.

The logistics of yearbook signing was where I got my thrill. Picture it...You see someone you have a crush on...he sees you...should you ask him...but then he'd think you like wait...then it happens...the doesn't even take a word you have his yearbook in your hands!! WHAT'S HE WRITTING???!!! You make sure to write just as long as he does, not more, not less. Then you wait...ITS LIKE CHRISTMAS. When you are finally alone, you read " Heidi you are HOT, call me" You knew it all along.

That's just one example of what yearbook day meant for me. The next best thing was writing clever, witty remarks. If only I could read all the things I wrote!! I know they were good, some of them too good and after I wrote them I'd think wait I need to copy that. It just so happens that David and I wrote in eachother's yearbooks. Here is my entry in his, it's a fill in the blank letter:

"Dave. Potatoes don't express the way I feel about you, I_____ you. I've waited my whole life to tell you that I _____ you. I can't _____ with out you! My heart goes____ when I see you, please say you'll never ____ me. You are great fun. I'm glad we are friends let's chill in the hood ok -Heidi H. your x"

Not bad eh? What's really great is I had the opposite of a crush on Dave in high school, so who knows what I would've put in the blanks then...I know now. Anyway, I wish we still had yearbook day. I miss it. Hey maybe we should get together and call all the people who wrote their numbers in our yearbooks, just to say "hi."


Miss Brandy said...

I hate yearbooks. I have NEVER taken a good photo in my life. As noted in my blog- and I know hold you partially accountable to get it done- If I die early Jason is to have a portrait commissioned of me using all the best parts from various ugly pictures. Even my kids could make me look better than the photos I've got.

Miss Brandy said...

P.S. maybe for bookclub we can make a yearbook- Hey, you're in charge, do what you want!

Sarie's Life said...

Oh My Heidi! I love yearbook day too. We should do a girls get together and bring our year books and read them! I mean heck we have been out of school almost 10 years. I bet they are great!

Ian and Resa said...

Your so funny! I liked yearbook day too. I couldn't help but laugh at some of your memories. We should get together soon. We are moving in December, so we need to do it soon!!

Melynn said...

OK,Spence and I are just sitting here laughing. I am wishing that I was as funny as you.

Seriously, can we call all the people that left their numbers in our year book?

You are seriously great. When can we get together?

Melynn said...

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are bad because we have church stuff on those nights, but any other day would be fine. Do you have Resa's contact info?

Jaime Stephens said...

Heidi you crack me up this is jaime jolley by the way... I love this post it is all so true it's hillarious! It was good to see you the other day you will have to keep in touch via the lovely blogging world :-) Your little scarlet is adorable..

Scott, Fia, Tre, and CJ said...

Heidi, you are too cute! Ha those were the days huh! Hope you don't mind me stopping in to say hi! Our passings have been so short and sweet...the temple...ottavios (I wanted to tell you so bad that night that I was prego, but Scott and I swore not to tell a soul until I was 20 weeks!) I hear ya on those yearbook days. Ha ha...I used to save one whole page for Scott (so insane to say that) and I remember one year Chad Barnes wrote on it..ha ha..oh memories! You've got a gorgeous family! Love ya Fia

Kimpossible said...

I love your pants and I love what you wrote in his yearbook. That's the funniest thing ever. Ha ha. I love it.