We got back from our cruise last NIGHT(11pm)...and walked into our home this MORNING(1:30am)!! It was a looong day. I was so anxious to get home and squeeze my babies. This is how I survived...
The Diary of Mattie Spenser

I really enjoyed this story, it's kinda up the same ally as the books I have been reading recently. It takes place around 1866 about a girl who marries and departs with her husband across the plains to Colorado Territory. I am still just so intrigued with the kind of toughness these people had to settle in this part of the country. I just don't think I could've hacked it most people couldn't, alot of them ended up going back. Anyway its a really good story that makes you think about love and commitment and enduring hardships.
I will write and post pictures of our cruise soon, but let me just say we achieved celebrity status on our cruise...hopefully i will actually get to posting something about it, seeing as I never did post anything about Scarlet's ballerina b-day OOPS! You may just have to ask us, if I have sparked your curiosity...
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