Thursday, March 31, 2011

For the record

Rosie is saying the cutest things and I just KNOW I will forget them if I don't record it somewhere!! It's not even WHAT she is saying usually that kills me, it's HOW. She just has this sweet tiny voice, or this LOUD demanding voice, it's rarely in-between.

"I want you Mommy." "I coming Scarlet (or daddy or mommy or whoever)" "Hi, Punzel(Rapuzel)" "I mees you." "I love you too." She sings twinkle twinkle little star, temple, sunbeam, tall tall tall(snowman), Itsy bitsy, elmo's world, follow follow me. "I sad mommy", or "I crying mommy," or "I happy mommy" We'll say Rosie time to go nigh night, and without fail she says "no, I wake up." If we do anything for her she says "thank you mommy or thank you scarlet" When we ask any question especially, who wants to set the table? "I DO!!" she will scream it out from any part of the house and come running. If I am doing something she doesn't like she says, "no, no mommy that hurts." If she wants to get out of eating something she says " a spicy, or too hot." When we ask something like, are you being naughty? she 'll say "NO, I NOT!" When she peers over the back of the bench in sacrament meeting, she will bat her eyes and say, "I shy." My favorite is when she hears something out of the ordinary she will say, "Who doin that!?" If I ask her who's doing that, unless it's completely obvious she blames Scarlet, "garlet doin dat." The other day I said, Rosie are you growing up? and she says "no, I not, Scarlet growing up." She needs to do things "a self." "no, a self!" If she can't quite get it she'll say "help, I can't." I maun(want) it, or I don't maun it." Or "I like you Mommy." She would spend her entire day on the "fwings" or "fwinging"(swings of course)t, or "cleaning" she pulls/drags the chair to the sink and I turn on the water and she cleans the dishes. She won't stop until we drag her away kicking and screaming (and drenched).

She has been telling me "toilet" and doing her business (for the most part) on the potty!! WHAT!?! We bought her some panties the other day, but they don't make panties small enough for this little booty. Of course she has accidents still but only with pee pees, she is a bonified pooper on the potty. I am still baffled, and kind of unsure how to proceed. I am just in awe of this little girl. I am completely smitten with every last thing she does...well you know what I mean. It's just an adorable stage right now when your heart aches that they won't be just like THIS forever. It's when I am wishing for the PAUSE button. I am typing as I watch the girls out Rosie's window. Scarlet is pushing Rosie on the swing, and taking good care of her (so far). It's just one of those many moments that you ask yourself, is this really my life!? How'd I get so lucky!?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We are officially cruisers. I was always curious if cruisin' was my thang. We had a blast. I am sure we will cruise again someday. The Bahamas were everything I dreamed they'd be, ok except that I thought the water would be a tinge warmer...just a smidgel. I was expecting bath water, I just haven't experienced that yet and I thought this might've been the place. The water was definitely warmer that Bermuda!! I realized we didn't take enough pictures, I stink at capturing the great moments! I am too busy enjoying myself and never have my camera close enough(we did get footage of the trapeze thank goodness). So pretend you really like to see Dave and I posed in front of the ocean...cuz that's about the only times we remembered to take pic's, before we got in and as we were about to leave.

We did lots of other things I WISH we got pictures of, like jet skiing in the ocean, snorkeling, body surfing, volleyballin', and the highlight of our trip, competing in the Dancing with the Sky Stars!! My only regret is that we didn't get that whole thing on video bc now I have to explain what happened instead of just show it. Our friends who came with us got a little bit of it on their camera, maybe I will post it when I get it from them.

So the short and condensed version...our ship had a Dancing with the Sky Stars ("sky" because our ship was called the Norwegian Sky). As one of the evening activities, 6 of the staff dance with 6 volunteers, and they have judges and vote people off and the whole sha-bang. I thought it might be fun so I entered my name in the drawing...and unbeknownst to David, I put his name in too. I was hoping at least one of us would get picked. Well...David was the FIRST name drawn!! They announced, David from Utah...and Dave just sat there waiting for Dave from UT to take the stage. It finally dawned on him when I nudged him with that sneaky look on my face. I was DELIGHTED, I was going to sit back and relax while Dave got to humiliate himself in front of a HUGE crowd of people!! Well fate would have it that I would not get away so easy and as the 5th name was drawn...Heidi from Utah was heading up to the stage!!

If you know Dave and I, you know we don't shrink from an audience who is eager to cheer us on. There were three rounds and by the last round we were BY FAR the audience favorites(my partner and I were the REAL favorite) . They were enamored with our dance moves, and I think the crew had never had the likes of the two of us bounding around the stage before (and sober too, though no one would suspect it). So it came down to a dance off with three couples left. Mid performance I am swept off my feet by David from Utah and we finished the last dance together, I believe at one point I was on Dave's back with my "lasso" and Dave was spankin' my booty. Oh dear. The decision was made by the judges and the crowd that Dave and I were the Sky Star champions. It had never happened before and I doubt it will ever happen again, we are Norwegian Sky legends.
(first day, still docked in Miami waiting to set sail)

(third stop, Great Stirrup Cay)

(riding the waves, if you couldn't tell by that face I am hard core)

(Atlantis, Nassau, that archway connecting the bldg. off to the right is owned by the late M.J. and it's only 25,000 per night)

(the Norwegian Sky from the rear)

(bus ride to Wyndham Resort, Freeport)
(some kayaking at Freeport)

(trapeze artist in the making)

(true love)

(es cargo...chewy)

(loungin' at Great Stirrup Cay)


(snorkeling at Nassau)

(First stop, beach resort in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island)

(The gruesome foursome, us and our cruising buddies BJ and Vivian Weight)

(spreadin' the love around)

(2nd stop, beach on Nassau)

(dock at Freeport, look at that big ol' ship)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

hours on an airplane...

We got back from our cruise last NIGHT(11pm)...and walked into our home this MORNING(1:30am)!! It was a looong day. I was so anxious to get home and squeeze my babies. This is how I survived...

The Diary of Mattie SpenserI really enjoyed this story, it's kinda up the same ally as the books I have been reading recently. It takes place around 1866 about a girl who marries and departs with her husband across the plains to Colorado Territory. I am still just so intrigued with the kind of toughness these people had to settle in this part of the country. I just don't think I could've hacked it most people couldn't, alot of them ended up going back. Anyway its a really good story that makes you think about love and commitment and enduring hardships.

I will write and post pictures of our cruise soon, but let me just say we achieved celebrity status on our cruise...hopefully i will actually get to posting something about it, seeing as I never did post anything about Scarlet's ballerina b-day OOPS! You may just have to ask us, if I have sparked your curiosity...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What have we here...

I am on a serious historical fiction kick. They are just so fascinating. Every time I am reminded how little I know about our worlds history. It's like I am taking a little mini college class, but I come and go when I please and don't have any tests or papers. Delightful. I just finished this one, it was a gem.

Pope Joan, by Donna Woolfolk Cross.

When I need to find a good book I go here, 'What should I read next?' You put in a favorite book and it finds similar books for you. Anyhoo, thank you WSIRN (that's what its called on my toolbar) I may not have stumbled upon this book without your help. So, Pope Joan! I had no idea if there really was such a person. I thought it was maybe Joan of Arc or something. Different Joan, different story. For some reason it took me a few chapters to decide if I was going to enjoy the story or not. I am so GLAD I stuck with it. Her story takes place around 800ad., during the dark ages, it was a scary time to be alive and an even scarier time to be a woman. Especially to be a woman who had a will to be educated. Just an amazing novel, the author does a great job helping the reader see what life was like at that time. The best part is Joan's story (part of it) was a real! If you are looking for an engaging you go.