Looks like snow means back to the couch, absorbed in a good book. I just finished a couple and excited to read a couple more...

This was a really intriguing story. Wasn't expecting to sit down and almost read it in ONE day! Ok not quite but ALMOST. This story is told thru the eyes of a five year old which kinda worried me at first but works out well and is actually very sweet and endearing. Especially if you have kids, it is very true to form. I can't say more about the story I am afraid to give anything away. Makes you think, makes you tear up, chuckle and gasp...sounds good eh?

Another unexpected page turner, however it may not be for everyone. It's a life after death experience of a man who is now a psychiatrist. I love these kinds of stories, I am just s'dang curious about that whole realm. His experience is so AMAZING and it just hit me over and over again how small minded I am in day to day living. All the things he saw and felt seem to fit in with what I believe the life beyond to be like.

This book was very similar to the Lady Elizabeth, by the same author. I liked it a lot. Jane Grey is one of my new heroins and some day I want to tell her so. She was an amazing lady, and she was not even a lady really, just a girl. Dave and I read (listened to) this book together and we couldn't believe the sad short life she lived. It was very inspiring to say the least.
When did you become such a reader?!?
I will have to get some of these. I wish I took more time to read.
Katie- I have always liked to read but I LOVE it sometimes. Something about this stage of mommyhood that makes reading books feel like an escape or something.
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