My girls are both killing me lately with their cuteness. Yesterday Rosie shocked both of us with a loud "burp!" She looked at me with that mischievous grin and said "Buup!" Who is teaching her these words?! I have been keeping track of her new words for the past few months and these last few weeks FORGET it. I can't keep track anymore, she busting out three to five new ones a day! Most astounding word as of late, "triangle."
Scarlet is a little bit obsessed right now with bad dreams. Every night before prayers she says "mom, say make me have good dreams, make me have good dreams, three times OK?!" I try to explain that it's unnecessary to be repetitive, we end up settling on 2 times. The last few nights she says to Dave, "when you come check on me if I have this face (scrunches up her face and pulls down her lip) then WAKE ME UP I am having a BAD dream!"
so cute!
oh, and I want Rosie and Ruby to be best friends...can we arrange that please?!?
Oh those girls are too cute for their own good. Since I have known you, Scarlet has always had that spunky, crack-you-up personality. It has been fun to see Rosie's adorable personality coming out lately. She makes me smile just like Scarlet did at that age.
Cross your fingers for the dancing and singing. Ellie was all about that at 3 and 4 but has since traded her dancing shoes in for athletic shoes. Can't complain, though. To each his own. Enjoy every minute of it!
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