This baby is on the move!!! We stand her on her feet and she will just hang out like that for like 10 seconds!! She went from belly bumping, to crawling, to standing up on things to THIS in like a month. She is so adorable---but she seems too little to be so big. Here is a smattering of pictures I managed to get this morning. I noticed I haven't posted pictures of Rosie for awhile. Its because I haven't taken very many. Second child syndrome for sure...darn it. So feast your eyes a moment on this little blue eyed, dimpled doll. She is such a delight. Maybe we don't take many pics because it usually ends up with Scarlet fighting to get her grimey little hands on the camera, there are usually booger noses and dirty laundry laying around(don't look too close). Not to mention I am usually sporting the bra-less pajama look, and we all wind up grumpy. Grumpiness and bedhead exemplified in the charming picture at the end, taken by Scarlet of course.
1 week ago
Holy what a mover, I can't believe she is standing already, that's awesome!! She will have to teach Brock some lessons.
Oh! She's so cute, and look at her standing already! Solomon is jealous, he can only stand holding onto the furniture, and only sometimes. We missssssss you!
NOOOOO!!!! She is tooooo tiny to be doing such things!
oh my goodness! isn't she just 8 months old like my little savannah? so cute! she really is adorable! :)
I can't figure out who she looks like.. But I think it is your fam?? I guess I would have to meet her! Millie was also a little go getter! Let's get them together! They could be BFF
I have figured it out. I think she looks like Dustin! LOl... HAs anyone said that?
No one has said Dustin before, but I have heard Amy! That's fun tho that you see Dustin, he will think that's funny:)
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