I decided it's good to remember things that make one happy. I don't know exactly why that is...but it just feels good to dwell on happy thoughts sometimes. Here goes...
1. When Scarlet points at me and says Ma-Ma
2. Books that make me laugh and cry (best if both occur in one book)
3. Buying clothes and shoes(especially for great deals)
4. Scarlet's laugh
5. Dave's laugh
6. Hearing Dave play the trumpet
7. Taking a nap
8. playing soccer
9. Playing my guitar and singing
10. Painting
11. doing crossword puzzles with Dave
12. Playing racquetball(especially with Dave)
13. Water activites(swimming, wakeboarding, slalom skiing)
14. Eating out at... Cafe Rio, Bamboo Hut, Carraba's, Ottavios-mostly for their tomatoe basil soup, Smokehouse, Indian Palace, Zub's and Sensuous to name a few.
15. Finding new favorite flicks...Dan in Real Life, most recent fave.
16. Watching Scarlet feed the ducks
17. Watching Scarlet walk
18. Watching Scarlet eat
19. I guess watching her do almost anything
20. Visiting with friends and Family
21. Teaching
22. Watching Dave perform
23. When Dave cleans the kitchen
24. Shopping with Dave
25. Being outside on Summer evenings
26. Singing
27. Good hair days. You know the ones when your hair is just in a good mood.
28. Dancing...I mean the real kind that gets your heart pumping
29. Beaches (especially those Hawaii ones)
30. Trips down memory lane especially with high school friends and mission friends
31. Skinny dippin'
32. Watching family home videos(especially with my family)
33. Coconut Sno-cones w/ cream, from the place around the corner
34. Playing games with friends and family
35. Our home and neighborhood
36. Dave
Ok thats good for now. Now I have 36 things to do when I get bored...
Hello to one of my most favorite people in the whole world! I am so glad you have a blog:) That is very very exciting. You are lookin good! Now we can keep in touch a little better. Thanks for the email!
ps. Timmy is my husband! This is Emily (used to be Dean). I was logged into his email account for some reason when I posted this. Our blog is thebetitas.blogspot.com!
YEAH! Its bloggin time now! I have to say you freakin kill me Heidi. The 'Just Say No' bit you wrote about had me laughing to tears. We really need to hang out more. I'm gonna call you TODAY as a matter of fact. Come swimmin K! LOVE YOU!
Heidi Ho, oh my goodness! How fun is this? It's been way to long and I'm so happy you found us and that I have found you! Where do you live what's up and all that? How old is your bambina? Email me with a quick update will you? rwj1000@gmail.com Or you could just put a description under "About Me" and then tell me to read it :). Anyway, I will be a frequent reader, so keep up the posts, OK?
Skinny Dippin' will always be a classic one! What about going into other peoples yards and getting into their hottubs? That should be on your list too!
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