Alright, this is a must read. I read 3 Cups of Tea and it has made me want to do something!! It's about a guy (Greg) who attempts to climb K2 and fails. He's at deaths door and stumbles upon a little village. The village nurses him back to health, even though they can barely feed and care for themselves. He witnesses their poverty and need for education and commits the rest of his livelihood to building schools. He talks about how this is the only real way to fight the war on terror. It made sooo much sense! There are plenty of schools in the middle east who brainwash the students, then recruit them into the Taliban. Without real education there is no hope for peace. These people Greg helps are desperate for him to build schools for their villages. And here I am thinking "woop-de-doo I got a college degree see if I ever use it." Duh. So I don't have a high paying career, but I use my education every day!! I have taken education for granted because it has always been there. I don't understand what a GIFT the education I have received is. Do I really think I am who I am and know what I know because I'm just a pretty smart lady? Sounds cool, but REALLY it's because since I can remember I have been learning about life and my relationship to it by people who are educated. Imagine if we took all this money the country has spent on fighting terrorism in the middle east and instead built schools for them. IMAGINE!! The majority of peaceful Muslims would then have the know-how to take control of their people. So this has been on my mind. It costs 1 penny to buy a pencil, 1 dollar for a child's monthly tuition. We throw pennies away these days...anyways I'm gonna think of a way to raise money to help. Anyone have any ideas let me know.
I've heard that this book is a good read. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll give it a go. I love it when a book inspires.
I am half way through it! It is really good. If you liked it, you might like Mountains Beyond Mountains by Paul Farmer.
Sounds like a good book! I have my little "save the world moments" too. In fact, I'm seriously considering adopting a child from Tahiti. Whatever you do, I say go for it! You may not save the world, but a small thing for us, is sometimes not even a possibility for others.
I've been on hold at the library for this book for ages. I guess it's pretty popular for good reason. I'm second up though so I'm excited. Wish we could help save the world while living a little closer to each other :) And young lady your email cracked me up! So you. And you didn't even tell me how old Scarlett is in it, I'm dying to know! XO
Hey, Malina told me about this book. SHe loved it. Maybe I will just have to read it.
Hi there. So let's be blogging buddies, mmmm kay? I need this book you speak of. I could do with a good life changing experience right about now. Help me Rhonda. So my blog is lillymcdowell.blogspot.com. Come and visit. We'll chat and have 3 cups of tea. Did I mention I'm prego?????
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