I was just thinking about some things people may not know about the Dave, Heidi and Scarlet St.Julien family...
David (has no middle name)St.Julien:
*Has slightly bull-legs
*Can play a the trumpet (really well)
*Can play a little guitar
*Is a good efficient housekeeper (cleans way better than me)
*Can bench press me
*Plays racquetball and ultimate frisbee super well
*Used to get in fights a lot in elementary
*has a fake tooth
*has crooked fingers
*has multi-colored hair/beard (we've found red, black, white, orange etc...)
*Can roll his tummy
Heidi Sue Hofheins St.Julien:
*Can still do back handsprings and back flips on the ground (and tramp)
*Paints(not recently, but I once felt like a pretty good water colorer)
*Draws (did a pretty nifty portrait of Joseph Smith for a class)
*Plays guitar
*Writes songs
*Crochet's (hats, scarfs, rugs, etc...)
*Dabbles in hair cutting (when Dave gets shaggy and other special occasions)
*Po-go-stick Jumping. I can go for hours if necessary.
*Soccer fanatic (played for a small college)
*Reads 1 sometimes 2 books a week.
*Knows a lick of sign language
*Gets free stuff with coupons
*Can beat Dave at racquetball on occasion (played on the BYU [club]team)
*Sewed a cover for her love sac (and other various items)
*Wants to write a book (sometimes)
Scarlet Olivia St.Julien:
*Sits on her potty
*Also slightly bull-legged
*Knows at least 10-15 signs in sign language (most recently cracker, frog, juice, grandpa)
*Knows maybe 100 words (most recent choo-choo, bug, look, tissue, happy)
*Can do a half somersault
*Can roll her tummy
*Has many sophisticated dance moves
*Sings "wheels on the bus" "slippery fish" " "insy-winsy spider" " popcorn popping"
*Finds her chin, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, neck, knees, feet, toes, hair...and bum bum. She'll even spank yours if your not careful.
*Calls mommy- "Heidi"
*Can fit 2 binkies in one mouth
*Blows her nose
*Stands on her toes so we can see her bulging calves
Did you learn something new? Can you think of something else?
Here is a video of a few things Scarlet would show me...sorry about my obnoxious voice in the background...
That was so cute, I loved the video. Sophia and I watched it and she'd sometimes mimic back what you told Scarlett to say. Okay, only on mama and dada :). And what the heck I've asked you like twelve times, how old is Scarlett????? Oh and I'll buy your book when you write one. Get on it already! What type of book?
Hey girlie! Your baby is so cute!!! You are a darling girl. Why are you that skinny? You obviously need me to donate some of my fluff to you!!! Love your HI pics. Brought back memories! I love that place. Wish I could move there, but alas, I don't have 1 Million for a house, let alone 6 bucks for a gallon of milk, so SLC it is. Darn! It was fun "catching up" I'll be sure to check in often!
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