This is a very interesting read as it delves into the ideas and workings of the world of masonry, which has always intrigued me. Most of Brown's main characters are these brilliant scientist in their field of study. As the book is winding down I've gotten this feeling like I really want to be brilliant about something!! I mean there are scientist out there that have made miraculous discoveries, things that I wouldn't even DREAM were possible!! I started thinking about how puny my brain must look to theirs, and how menial and disappointing my life must seem to them. I thought how neat it would be to study all the great thinkers and comprehend their ideas and make discoveries and uncover mysteries of my own. Somehow this kinda thinking bums me out. I look at all the millions of books out there that would fill my mind with wonders of geology, politics, and history and so on...instead I spend my time reading mostly fiction books about a whole lot of nothing...and I am thoroughly entertained.
There is a semi happy ending to this thought process. There is always a little whispering that happens somewhere in my being that tells me "you are doing an important work, don't diminish the calling of motherhood." Then I think, is that me just trying to make myself feel better? Just another excuse for living below my potential. The feeling comes back, if I listen close it feels like its saying "Your science and field of research are these beautiful miraculous people that have been entrusted to you, you get to watch and assist them grow. Isn't it a miraculous thing? Don't discredit this great privilege and responsibility." Its true.
If you feed your babies a white milky substance that comes from your body the baby will GROW. If you hug them, hold them, kiss them and pretend they understand when you whisper in their ear that they are precious and beautiful and so special to you, that one day they will talk back and make you smile all over, inside and out, and they will be your greatest treasure in the universe.
Confirmed. So far so good!