I think I made a discovery. I have been having this sensational need for baked goods. Since Rosie arrived I have been unable to stop thinking about sweet treats, namely, white powdered hostess donuts and those oven baked peanut butter bars with chocolate frosting. This urge was incredible, it was like I could see little white donuts floating under my eye lids when I closed my eyes. I would down a whole bag in a DAY!!!! You get the gist...well thankfully this craving has dulled slightly. But I realized there is something that helps distract my mind from treats...you are all sitting on the edges of your seats I know! What is it!? What is it!!? It's like the fountain of youth!!! Well my friends, I will reveal the secret if you haven't already figured it out. The secret is a good book. This book
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins keep me from wandering into the kitchen, or down to Reams for yet another bag of donuts (and they are even on SALE!!). Any good book will do the trick. This book has sucked me right into its clutches, its definitely a favorite and I haven't even finished it yet. So, off I go to indulge...
Yeah, I definitely need to go pick up a good book then...my sweet tooth is something fierce!
hello there my sweet sister. I'm glad you like the book. More than that, I'm just glad I get to read all about what is going on your life. Looks like your life is good with two little ones.
BTW, I can't get over the below post. How in the world does one mommy produce that much milk. Seriously, is it for real?
We are reading that this year for my book club, so I'm glad to hear you are LOVING it. I also wanted to congratulate ORANGE CRUSH on their awesome victory. Wish I was there! Rosie is looking so cute, you do have some great shots of her. And as for the "what have you been up to" question. I loved it. I always try to answer with specifics and half the time I realize people really just wanted the generic "not much", "school", "just workin" or what not :) You and I can just share details back and forth!
I can't wait to try it. Keep posting your good reads. I always need them!
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