I had my 10 year reunion last weekend. It was great to see old familiar faces and meet their offspring. I had kind of a weird feeling though. Those situations are always a little strange/awkward for me. The socializing is fun, in a way, but what would happen if we all wore a sticker that said; I live____. I have ____kids named_____. I work at_____. What would we have left to say to each other?? I don't know what I am trying to say here...I guess just that I caught myself thinking "hmmm,
I spent 4 adolescent years with these people...and then 10 years not thinking about most of them." So what does that make us?? Friends, acquaintances, pals, I guess I just like defining my relationships:) Anyway, that's just some babble I had going on in my brain. Before I went to the reunion I knew I would get (and give)the question, "So what have you been up to lately?" GAH! This haunting question. The typical answer is, oh you know the usual school or work or for the girls some comment about just being a Mom. Then you are left standing there humming and hawing for something interesting to say...and this is where I usually think to myself, what is the point of all this? The morning of the reunion, I actually tried to come up with interesting things to say about what I have been up to. What have I been up to? The problem with this question is that these old chums don't really want to know the details. Too bad I'm giving them here and now just to prove to myself that I have been "up to" something.
READING BOOKS...yes and I just finished a really really good one called
Expecting Adam by Martha Beck. I loved this BOOK!! However; in the acknowledgements I found out she is Hugh Nibley's daughter and she wrote some weird book after he died. It kinda put a rain cloud over my adoration for the author and her credibility.
PLAYING SOCCER...at 2 weeks I decided me and my child bearing hips were going to help my old soccer team win us a tournament. We've taken 2nd for the past 4 years. I got to play in their last 2 games and we WON!! GO ORANGE CRUSH!! I felt fantastic, thank you body you are very kind to let me do that to you.
PUMPING...no not iron, milk! Thats right I am a bonified milk machine, I spend a good portion of my day dishing out milk to Rosie and my freezer. The first 2 weeks were the WORST, I think I was producing a gallon a day! My freezer was bursting at the seams. Luckily I found some kind souls, in need of breastmilk, to take it off my hands. So hmmm...I am going to add to this list...doing SERVICE.

MOTHERING...this is what I love the most about what I have been up to. I get to tickle and chat and play with the most adorable 2 1/2 year old on the planet. She can turn me from grumpy to giggles in a flash. I get to peer into Rosie's wide eyes and wonder who is in that tiny body. I think about how I can't wait to see more of her personality, while I kissing her sweet cheeks.

boy this is getting long...see I'm up to something...

I'll just go ahead and leave it at that. To those PHS ers who felt like they didn't really get to hear the whole story(I know you are out there) here's a little taste. Imagine what my list will be in 2019.
you have got to be kidding me, the amount of milk you pumped!! i'm seriously jealous :) i could never got that much pumped out of me. i'm still working on it with pills and everything. i really say kudos to you and also, it would be nice to see your clan sometime soon.
YOu crack me up! I am having those same thoughts about my reunion next year and can't decide how I feel about it... I am jealous of all that milk... I just dried up I was attached to that pump and never ever saw that much you go girl!!! Your kids are so cute!
You are so funny, but I have to agree it's an exciting yet akward situation. 10 years ago who would have that you'd be thinking that.
I felt the EXACT same way. But I am still glad I got to go and talk to you and Dave for a minute. How was the dinner part? Way to go on the soccer and pumping.
I passed on my reunion, partly because is cost over $100 to meet with semi-friends in a bar...not really tempting. You can sell breast milk?
I feel so bad that we were able to go to 7 peaks, Annie is feeling better and we would love to go now.
i am so glad we got all the details i was so wondering. did you do any big performing like you guys did at ours? is so im sure everyone was impressed so much not to much more needed to be said.
And that my dear is EXACTLY why I would never go to one of those events! My sister thinks you are the best btw! Love the pics. You look good. I am still FAT. I wish I could play soccer with you:(
Go orange crush! Wish I was there...but then you might not have won. p.s. I need your book list. I just started a REALLY long book. We'll see how it goes.
Missed my reunion, but not too upset about it. Umm....seriously? all that milk! All I can say is WOW
Hey! I recognize those bags in your freezer! Thanks a million!
I never went to any of my reunions...I think I was living elsewhere...not sure if I would have gone anyway. That's a time period I'd rather not relive. ;)
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