This may be the last post that we get to brag solely about our little Scarlet. Her little sister should be here anytime now (like right this second would be NICE)!! She will no longer be the one and only love of our lives...this should be very interesting:) So I have been doing everything I can think of to get this baby moving on out; racquetball, bike rides, driving on bumpy roads, brisk painful walks etc... The best are the things people suggest that they did or heard others do that worked; drinking castor oil, skipping, four wheeling and of course the number one suggestion, sex. My honest opinion is nothing but waiting REALLY works...except maybe that last one. So here is a post full of the little princess that we just can't get enough of. Today she said "My pleasure" when I asked her to do something. In the car later I asked her if she wanted a cracker and she said "no, but thanks". She is so entertaining, she tells the best stories and sings the prettiest songs. All day she keeps me smiling and laughing with all her questions and comments about life as she sees it. For example; yesterday at church she felt it appropriate to dance in the isle for the closing song. I let her, and in the back of my mind I thought "hmm if I saw another kid doing this would I think to myself 'crazy parents'." I admit it I am a crazy parent, I am crazy about this girl and it alters my logical brain functioning. So be it. Its probably just going to get worse. So brace yourselves for a smorgesborg of pictures, we've been playing hard.