I was having an inward battle about the Easter bunny...I thought about telling Scarlet on Easter morning that it was Jesus who brought her candy and gifts but...decided against it. I finally gave in that evening and we told Scarlet about good old hippity hop who would come hide her eggs and leave her a surprise. She loved it, and drifted off to sleep. Easter morning when we told her the the Easter bunny came, she looked terrified. I think she thought he might still be lurking around the house...we explained that he came while she was asleep and went to her other friends and then went home. That helped, and she cautiously made her way out to the living room.
1 week ago
I just want to know where the shoe is now??
And when I come for a visit will it be safe to play dolls? :)
We don't have kids yet but I already struggle with having easter be about the easter bunny. Its just to to fun to not do it though! It looks like you guys had a great easter!
Up the nose? That is hilarious. Looks like you are having a great spring.
That's great! I've never had any "up the nose" experiences yet. You would think I would have. Maybe I have???
that little girl has the best expressions! I love it!
Ha ha! Way to blow it out! What a cutie Heidi! I can't believe how fast she's growing!
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