It's official, David is finally done with school! Hooray. Scarlet and I went and watched our favorite Daddy wear his "silly hat" as Scarlet called it, and dress. We waited and waited until it was our turn to scream and shout. Dave didn't really make a big deal out of graduating because he'd practically been done for a year. So much so that we dusted off the hand me down BLACK robe I borrowed a few years ago from my friend's husband for my graduation. Well, turns out BYU is sporting blue robes this year...oops. So Dave got to feel extra special. Not only did I drop Dave off a half hour late, but we didn't think about his tassle or anything. So, moments before the curtains opened, me and my big belly hustled down to the book store to see if I could round up a tassle. I scrounged one up, somehow found Dave, and made it to my seat seconds before show time! WHEW. Why does it feel like I always find myself in these kinds of situations? Everyone else is prepared and I am pulling things together last minute hoping it all turns out...someday I'll learn not to be so last minute...maybe. Anyway, I am really proud of Dave. I found out from his family that Dave is the first and only child so far to get a degree...AND one of just a few on his Mom's whole side of the family to graduate from college!! I feel so lucky that Dave works so hard to support our family. Since it's celebrate Dave time I'll mention one more thing about why I love him so much. After graduation we came home exhausted and stuffed. Scarlet is on a tantrum kick and was barely recovering from an hour long scream fest. I crashed in bed to just "rest my eyes." While I snoozed, Dave put Scarlet down for a nap, washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, AND tidied up our bedroom!!!! All on HIS special did I get so lucky? I may never know. I love you babe, CONGRADULATIONS!!!
1 week ago
congrats that is very cool
Yay for Dave! What a great accomplishment! You running around prego looking for a tassel and Dave being the only graduate in black will only make the day more memorable :) We love you guys!
Congrats Davers! So proud of you for finishing! What are your big plans now?! We miss you guys!
Congrats on graduating!!
That is exciting.
Hey... can you not post this kinda stuff about great husbands? It's confusing Mel and messing up expectations over here. Congrats Dave.
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