In a little less than 5 days, Dave and I are going on a LAST CHANCE (as far as we know) GETAWAY to The beautiful isle of Bermuda!!!! I can't believe we are actually doing it. Life can be so interesting that way, I guess I should say MY life. One minute I am whining about how I need a new mattress because ours belonged to the dead grandmother of my step brother in law, and its really starting to get to me the way I fight all night not to rolllll into the center of the bed---but a new mattress is like a COUPLE HUNDRED bucks, so we'll go to Bermuda instead...hmmm that's sensible! I am just picturing myself soakin' up some sun on a nice warm beach, peeking over at my handsome husband to see if he is enjoying this as much as me, then I look out to the ocean, only I can't see it because of my big-with-child gut sticking out of my swimsuit. Let's hope Rosie doesn't grow much more in the next 120 hours. We'll have a gay old time (I'm bringing that word back) I am certain. BUT I am trying to cope with leaving my little Scarlet...I get teary every time she does something adorable because I don't want to miss those moments of her LIFE! I just know I am going to worrrrry my brains out!!! Worry, cry, go snorkeling, think about Scarlet, worry, see some sites hand in hand with my hunky hubby, wonder what Scarlet's doing, get choked up, cry, read a book on the beach, this is what I am guessing this vacation will be like and well, I can handle it...I HOPE!!! AHH I didn't even think about the Bermuda Triangle...what if our plane gets...and we...and...here we go again. My poor husband.
Good for you, Heidi! It is so hard to leave the kiddos, huh? Chances are she will be just great and you all will resume your wonderful family life just as tight knit as before you left, only you will be rejuvenated and have more energy to give little Scarlet. It will be great for everyone. Have fun!
Heidi! I am so jealous! Have a fantastic time. I loved your post. i love you!!
Lucky!!! We were supposed to go there 2 years ago, but Clarence's place wasn't finished yet, so we "settled" for Hawaii. I still want to go soooo bad! Have fun!
Sounds awesome! NIce beds are way overrated. At least you can keep telling yourself that :)
Love you guys, and hope to see you this summer. We will be in San Fransisco area for most of it, but hope to pop over to Provo for at least a couple weeks.
One more thing...are you going to shave your legs before you go...Or will you be in true Heidi fashion? :)
Sounds like fun, fun, fun!! At least you can cry on the beach :) It's the best!
Oh my ggashh!!! I can't wait to see pics. especially of you in all your prego glory on the beach.
Isn't it funny the things we spend our money on? Yeah, not always sensible, but sometime incredibly fun. I'm glad you guys get to take this trip. Once you have one little one you realize that life as you once knew it is over. Spence and I are always saying how we have to live it up while we just have one.
It absolutely was McKay. Can you believe how big he has gotten!? I miss you Heidi Sue. So jealous you are heading to the sunshine. Loves, Cole
So, how was the trip? Was it the little piece of sunshine you wanted and needed?
By the way, we need to get together again sometime. I know it seems like we live forever away, but we could come down there sometime. Let me know.
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