Scarlet is so fun to watch. She loves clothes and dress ups. At the store when we pass by clothes she reaches out to hold them and says "cute" and hugs them when I let her hold them. I swear I didn't teach her these things.

She found make-up at a friends and put lip stick all over her cheeks. Obviously I didn't teach her that one. I love this little girl, I love watching her learn and grow and become who she is.

She will sit with her "friends" and watch "a show". Her favorites are Elmo and baby signing time.
I totally agree! I never taught Roxie to love clothes and babies. It just comes naturally. Scarlett is so adorable. Now that we live in the 801 again, we need to get together!
It's so true! Charlotte used to pet all the cute clothes at the store ... until she learned to say "we NEED this, Mommy". And she's very interested in my make-up; especially when she gets to wear "lip glass". I can't wait till she gets to play with Scarlet again!
Girls are girls and Boys are for sure boys....wait till you have a boy and it will solidify your weary belief that men are from Mars and women are from Venus:) Soccer game this weekend...we should attend together! Ill call you! Love you!
Scarlett is so cute! Keep posting pictures, I love watching her grow.
hiedi, she cracks me up! I am so glad we got to see you twice in the span of two months! That never happens. We need to get together more often. Your little one is great!
Heidi Who? I love you. I love Scarlett and I like your cute hubby!
I can't wait to see you again. Glad i found your blog.
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