My dear friend Stephanie "Clark" Nielsen was in a serious plane crash with her husband a few weeks ago in AZ. They amazingly survived, the pilot did not, Steph and Christian were severely burned (80% of Steph's body) and are in the hospital sedated, with a long and painful road to recovery ahead. They have 4 darling little kids. Its such a tragedy! It is a real quick reality check to have someone you know be in this kind of awful situation. Stephanie is such an amazing, talented, sweet, friend who needs a lot of prayers. I found a way to donate to help with medical expenses etc...I decided to also post this so that anyone else who wanted to help could do so. Hug your friends. Hug your family. And count your blessings, we have SO MANY!!!
This is her darling website

My heart is full of hope and love for Steph!
That happened in my hometown, my YW leader from high school was the first person on the scene.
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