I quit writing in Scarlet's journal awhile ago because I thought I would replace it with a blog. However; I realized I am not keeping very good record of Rosie's life and I have neglected a lot of Scarlet's recent milestones as well! I hesitate to make this blog purely about my kids...even though they are the most exciting thing about my life. So here is a nice journal entry type post so I can rest easier for a few months.
Scarlet loved the water this summer. She was a terrific swimmer, she paddled around 7 peaks without her swim diaper or life jacket and did great. She can dunk her head under the water with her nose plugged. She went down the slides in the tad pool all by herself! She loved going out on the boat and swimming in the lake. She thought driving the boat was great too.

We blessed Rosie Sept. 20th and on her birth certificate her name is Rosie Sue St.Julien. On the records of the church her name is Rosalie Sue St.Julien...tricky tricky. I guess we did it because when we got Rosie home I started to call her Rosalie sometimes. We liked it and decided we could still use it. Rosie's
talented aunt Marci crocheted these dresses, the girls looked beautiful!

Rosie is the sweetest baby with the most adorable smiling face (especially those DIMPLES). She smiles and coo's constantly for anyone who will come chat with her. At her 2 1/2 month doctors visit she was 30 % for weight and about 50% for everything else. She is a good sport when Scarlet pokes her and yells/sings in her face. She has a hard time nursing, its just too much work for her I think. She sleeps well during the day and pretty good at night, although if she had it her way she would sleep in mom and dad's arms indefinitely! She just loves being held and played with. She holds her head up and looks all over when she is on her tummy and she likes to use those strong legs to practice standing. Her favorite thing to stare at is the fan on our ceiling. It's like she has little conversations with the fan. Scarlet and I ask her if she wants to play with her friend (fan) when she is sad. She usually does. We love Ms. Rosie and are so excited to see her GROW!!

this picture (above) was taken by a proud daddy mid-sneeze...we thought it was pretty snazzy.