Happy 50th birthday. Thanks for being born. Thanks for making fifty look like the new 30. I love you Mom, I have always felt sorry for other people who don't get to have you for a mom. Being my mom was no small task, I am glad you survived it. Thanks for your patience and support in all of my en devours. Thanks for not freaking out when I shaved my head, you even said you thought it was cute? What a gal!
Thanks for working so hard to make sure we always had what we needed and more. Thanks for not holding on too tightly to me so that I could have my own experiences---Scary. I am glad that you will be around to remind me how to do it! Thank you for trusting me to make the right choices, in the end I usually did because it would have killed me to lose your trust. Thanks for teaching me what love is and what it isn't. I see now that saying yes all the time doesn't mean I love you. I appreciate that you loved me enough to say no when you needed to.
Thanks for not being cool when I was in high school. I needed a Mother, not someone to fit into my idea of what "cool" was. Of course, I really did think you were cool, I told all my friends that, but you just weren't aloud to know. Thanks for sharing everything with me. When I was younger everything you ate looked good and you always shared. I was always in awe, wondering how you could be so nice. I get it a little more now that I have little Scarlet who loves to eat my sandwiches, but not her own. I can love my kids better because you loved me so much. I will never be able to thank you enough for the gift you are to me. I love you mom, thanks for turning 50 so that I could remember how lucky I am to have you.
That is so sweet, Heidi. And when did you shave your head?!
Wow. I don't know the right words. Thank you. I love you. Would do it all again and even more just so I could say I was related to you! I've ALWAYS been proud (and grateful) that we were in the same family. And shaving your head brought out your beautiful eyes and cheek bones in a way that your Dreads never did...(is it ok to say that?)
freshman year of college i got a little tired of hair so off it went. Best hair cut i have had yet.
yes its ok to say that dear mother, i would have to agree
Wow, Heidi I didn't know you shaved your head! I had a roomie that did that Freshman hear. It must have been the trend. Ha Ha! Happy Birthday Kathy! How are you? Still dancing?
I meant year, not hear ha ha!
Happy birthday to your lovely mother!!! I liked shaved head Heidi too :)
That makes me cry a little!
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