I Know sometimes I play hard to get...don't be mad

Mommy's right it's just what girls do, we want to make sure you'll love us like crazy no matter how naughty we are

I want to be your favorite so I have to get between you and mommy when you hug so you don't forget me

You are the best Daddy in the whole world, you sing the best songs, read the funniest stories, and make me giggle till it hurts

Be patient with me because one of these days mommy will have to pry me, kicking and screaming, from your side because I've given up the game. I'm Daddy's girl, I'm just waiting till the right moment to come out and tell you.

I Love you Da Da. Don't you forget it!!!

Love you forever and ever...feel free to sneak into my room when I'm all growned up to rock me to sleep,
Scarlet Olivia St.Julien (age 20 mo.)