I was just thinking about some things people may not know about the Dave, Heidi and Scarlet St.Julien family...
David (has no middle name)St.Julien:*Has slightly bull-legs
*Can play a the trumpet (really well)
*Can play a little guitar
*Is a good efficient housekeeper (cleans way better than me)
*Can bench press me
*Plays racquetball and ultimate frisbee super well
*Used to get in fights a lot in elementary
*has a fake tooth
*has crooked fingers
*has multi-colored hair/beard (we've found red, black, white, orange etc...)
*Can roll his tummy
Heidi Sue Hofheins St.Julien:*Can still do back handsprings and back flips on the ground (and tramp)
*Paints(not recently, but I once felt like a pretty good water colorer)
*Draws (did a pretty nifty portrait of Joseph Smith for a class)
*Plays guitar
*Writes songs
*Crochet's (hats, scarfs, rugs, etc...)
*Dabbles in hair cutting (when Dave gets shaggy and other special occasions)
*Po-go-stick Jumping. I can go for hours if necessary.
*Soccer fanatic (played for a small college)
*Reads 1 sometimes 2 books a week.
*Knows a lick of sign language
*Gets free stuff with coupons
*Can beat Dave at racquetball on occasion (played on the BYU [club]team)
*Sewed a cover for her love sac (and other various items)
*Wants to write a book (sometimes)
Scarlet Olivia St.Julien:*Sits on her potty
*Also slightly bull-legged
*Knows at least 10-15 signs in sign language (most recently cracker, frog, juice, grandpa)
*Knows maybe 100 words (most recent choo-choo, bug, look, tissue, happy)
*Can do a half somersault
*Can roll her tummy
*Has many sophisticated dance moves
*Sings "wheels on the bus" "slippery fish" " "insy-winsy spider" " popcorn popping"
*Finds her chin, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, neck, knees, feet, toes, hair...and bum bum. She'll even spank yours if your not careful.
*Calls mommy- "Heidi"
*Can fit 2 binkies in one mouth
*Blows her nose
*Stands on her toes so we can see her bulging calves
Did you learn something new? Can you think of something else?
Here is a video of a few things Scarlet would show me...sorry about my obnoxious voice in the background...