So I guess I aint hip if I don't blog. Not blogging these days is like not texting. If your out of the loop you are lost in a generation past. So here we go, David and I have both attempted to start a blog this may be the time it sticks...and maybe not. I think it will be nice to share all my bright moments with my dear friends. One for instance; We came home from church yesterday and when we went to go inside the side door was ajar...? Kinda odd (then again knowing me kinda NOT ). I went in first, I had scarlet and dave was behind me. I heard a serious sound, like someone is moving things in the baby's room. So I freak out and start hightailing it backwards. Dave on the other hand bombards his tough daddy self on back in to the bedroom! It turned out to be an open window. I was ready to run and hide and Dave was ready to beat the tar out of our little (or big) burgler. That was a great moment for me. I feel safer knowing my husband ain't no sissy and that it's in him to protect our family in those moments when we need him most.
1 week ago
First, I am so happy that you started a blog. I am lovin reading up on what everyone is doing. Second, I can't beleive someone was in your house. What is this world coming to? It makes me pretty upset to know that there are a lot of bad people who can get away with a lot of bad stuff. I'm glad nothing happened thought, and that your husband isn't a sissy.
Ha ha! I totally thought you meant someone was in your house. After I read your post I told Spence we needed to get a gun to shoot anyone who came in our house. I know, that sounds awful, I guess I don't need to go out and buy a gun. ( : I love you.
Yikes... I could totally feel my heart beating in my throat if I was in that situation! Atleast everything turned out ok! Where is Springville?? I wish I could visit with you. That would be so much fun!
I'm glad you got a blog, so we can keep in touch!
That sounds so scary! Way to go Dave! Anyway I love your blog, and your daughter is so cute! We really need to get together soon! I kind of wish you still lived in Wymount:( I have a blog too now, so let's stay in touch!
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