So I was chatting with Dave the other day and he was wondering why I didn't keep a journal anymore? We had pulled out one of my recent journals the other day to look at some of our baby name ideas
(sorry if this is my way of breaking the new to you...I'm 12 weeks pregnant weeee...). I read some of my entries and it seemed like I had such a busy exciting life...what happened!? I feel like if I were to still keep a journal all I would talk about was what Rosie said or did or how big and beautiful Scarlet was getting, and all my mom worries and hopes and fears. I would babble about soccer and what hum drum things I did while waiting around until Dave got home... Or maybe not. MAYBE, keeping a journal makes you see the little neat things and ideas you have that get lost or forgotten if you don't write them down. For example today I uh...well I um... Ok for reals I went to my first baby check up. I didn't realize how eager I was to make sure my body wasn't playing tricks on me and that I actually had a little human inside me. Its not a trick, I got to hear a beautiful, fast, strong human heartbeat coming from my belly! It was music to my ears. I kept a journal for like 20 years...but for now I just don't feel like it. So this blog will have to be the next best thing. And the pictures will have to tell most of the stories...that ain't so bad, right?

(Introducing Hannah Montana, the rock star. Scarlet was singing full blast at the park and giving Noah and I (and everyone else nearby) the show of a lifetime. She is a riot!)

(Two of her biggest fans)
(loving Noah)

(some pictures from one of the last nice fall days we had...those were great days...come back soon. This girl is just irresistible to me. I love this adventurous, clever little two year old with a serious passion!!)
(The Babysitter. Scarlet's favorite past time, besides watching Hannah Montana, is this little man. She loves to play, snuggle, hold, kiss her cousin Noah ever chance she gets. She was pushing him in this stroller and he was as happy as a clam. A few weeks later she wanted to try it again and Noah wouldn't fit! This boy is a'growin.)

(Rosie snuck into my mascara, obviously. But she wasn't pleased with the results. When she looked in the mirror she was scared. She said "its a monster!" We had a good laugh.)