School dayz, school dayz. Its only semi-official because it's only preschool and its only twice a week. I was just as excited as Scarlet to see her off on this new adventure. Come find me in a few years when she is off to first grade...if I let her go (I don't know if I will). Since last year Scarlet has been dreaming of the day she would get to go to school. How long will this excitement for school last...I'm guessing 5th grade. For me it was as soon as math homework came along, and when my teachers kept getting after me to pay attention!!! I just didn't understand why they were butting into my social life! Here I am surrounded by my friends and I have to pay attention to what some old fuddy duddy teacher had to say about science? Forget about it. *sigh* Hopefully Scarlet will be a better student than I ever was, hopefully her love of learning will last her WHOLE lifetime. Dream never know it COULD happen...

I know the lighting on this one is not the best, but just look at that chin rest pose. I remembering wishing and hoping I could do a chin/fist pose. I don't think I ever got to. See, She is already surpassing me in her achievements.
Oh my gosh, I love your little girls so much I just want to eat them up! Scarlet looks soooo cute in her little school outfit. I love that Rosie is just running around in every picture.
That is really too much to take in. I can't process it.
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