Monday, July 26, 2010

Someone is ONE

This girl had a birthday shout hooray! More to come when I can find the pictures of her party. Suffice it to say she is one heck of a one year old and we are pretty dern crazy about her. Can you blame us? What would you do if she gave you that look...?


Lindsey said...

SO cute! happy birthday rosie!

my favorite color is green said...

oh my goodness! she is adorable :) her and savannah need to play. we are in utah for a while. i don't have your number anymore. will you call me if you have mine? or have dave call kyle (kyle and i both lost everyone's phone numbers when we got new phones).

Unknown said...

oh my goodness I just want to kiss her face off right now!!!

Tabitha said...

I just can't believe it! Already>?! DO you want to come play tomorrow?