THIS is why I think Rosie needs to come into our family.
(during that final rampage she somehow pulled off 2 pillow cases and is using one for a blanket)This little girl's mom is a PUSHOVER!! I must be. Scarlet has way too much control in our relationship. This is a prime example. It has happened a few times. Scarlet normally naps really great, for a few hours a day. Occasionally I will let her sleep in "Mommy's bed" because I think it's cute and is she usually goes to sleep, I figure it can't hurt (we'll see I guess). Today I put her down at 12:45 ish and she didn't seem ALL that sleepy but that's normal. She finished her bottle and began to sing and talk to "Rella" (Cinderella barbie) who is sleeping with her today. This is also semi-normal and she usually falls asleep. Well, I heard head shoulders knees and toes a few times, temple and other cute chatter, then she started to yell to me "Mommy where are you, time go sleep, mommy hold you..." by now it is 1:15pm. I let it go on a few more minutes until I decide she's not gonna stop. She is standing in her crib so I pick her up and tell her its time for ni-nights and she doesn't like that so I ask if she will go to sleep in mommy's bed? OF COURSE SHE WILL...but she needs me to lay by I do...because she is really cute and I like to snuggle with her...but I really want her to sleep!! So I repeat over and over, no talking, no playing, no touching as she asks me countless questions like
S:"Mommy what this say(pointing at the little print on the pillow)
ME: it says Mommy's pillow (it really says like firm rest or something)
S: What this say?(some other smaller words on the pillow)
Me: it says go to sleep
Then she pokes my eyes, rubs my cheeks, pushes my hair back, she won't let me turn over she needs to see my face...we end up singing twinkle twinkle little star and she starts laughing and pulling up my eye lids...gah! So I keep threatening to take her back to her bed, and finally I pick her up and walk to her room and of course she is screaming, so I tell her one last try! I get her a little more bottle and as soon as she is done she starts tickling my face and whispering things to me. I'm really getting frustrated at myself for this mess I have created. So I tell her I am going in the other room until she falls asleep.
She sees me take the computer and so she needs to watch Caillou, and comes out to the living room, I chase her back to bed, she cries a little, sings a little, talks a little, and FINALLY silence... it's 2:15!!! Maybe when Rosie gets here there simply won't be enough of me to have these little rendezvous. I'll be able to put my foot down because I won't have much of a choice...I guess we'll see in a few months...